Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My records 2000-2002

2000-2002 I paid most of the money on tution fees

Surprise surprise, although I am a Singaporean, my first investments are in the US.
Year 2000 was the year I started my investment journey and it started of with a thumping.

My first 2 stocks were AMD and PALM.
PALM was the rage at that point of time, and it was just before the tech bubble burst. My thoughts were that PALM will continue to grow and be as big as a market as desktop. The PE was also spectacular, >500.
So as expected, the tech bubble burst, PALM became little more than a fancy gadget which did not take up . PALM crash from $60 to $17 after 2 quarters of profit warning. That was enough, I cash out. The rest was history as PALM after spltting shares went down the drain

So my first lessons were never overpay and to look at PEs as an indicator

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