Sunday, September 16, 2007

Portfolio and Sep07 Sentiments

Most of the stocks when further up when I sold.

I again sold off more of my stocks. I am almost 95% in cash. Portfolio YTD is around 37%.

Only thing I have left is QAF.

I guess I look like the lonely guy now who have left the party early. I have been rather conservative since late last year, thus reducing my performance.

I think the writing is already on the wall why I think there is a downturn.

Although I am bullish on the Singapore economy, being an export oriented economy and closely tighted to the fortunes of the US, I think it will go down with it.

The US housing has lots more to go down. People always mention subprime, but I believe it is as much as 30 % US housing which has a problem.

People will always save their house first, thus consumer spending will slow down tremendously.

Housing/Developers will be hit, Housing agents will be hit, Finanical Instituions will be hit, Retailors specialising in Housing/Furniture related stuff, Consumer slowdown, I believe it is the perfect storm coming. The lightning and thunder has flashed, it is just waiting for the storm to come....

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